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Adirondack Lakes And Rivers
58 images
Created 24 Mar 2012
With over 3,000 lakes and ponds water is considered an integral part of the Adirondack landscape
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_DSC8687_South Lake Sunrise, Adirond...JPG
_DSC0831_Vernal Pond, West Canada La...JPG
_DSC3089-2_Sunrise Over Cranberry La...jpg
_DSC3930_Hour Brook, Siamese Ponds W...jpg
_DSC3637_Waterfall at Rock Pond outl...jpg
_DSC3162_Fallen Red Maple Leaves, Ad...jpg
_DSC0524_ View Of Lake George From T...jpg
_DSC3541_Waterfall In Summer, Lake G...jpg
DSC_0104_William Blake Pond, Siamese...jpg
_DSC0244-1_Springhill Pond, Pharoah ...JPG
_DSC000223 _Red maple, Springhill Po...JPG
_DSC0332_Second Pond Brook, Siamese ...JPG
_DSC3061_Sacandaga River, West Branc...JPG
_DSC0742_Balsam Fir And Grasses, Sou...JPG
_CSC1410_Cedar Lake, West Canada Lak...JPG
_DSC2887_Whitney Lake, Adirondack Fo...JPG
_DSC3029_West Branch, Sacandaga Rive...JPG
_DSC6164_Whiteface Mt From Connery P...JPG
_DSC2434_Buttermilk Falls, Raquette ...JPG
_DSC2425_Buttermilk Falls, Raquette ...JPG
_DSC3050_West Branch, Sacandaga Rive...JPG
_DSC8716_Lilypad Pond, High Peaks Wi...JPG
_DSC9091_Copperas Pond, Sentinel Ran...JPG
_DSC9213a_lzn_Pharoah Lake, Pharoah ...JPG
_DSC2435_Raquette River, Buttermilk ...JPG
_DSC1399_Cedar Lake Reflections, Adi...JPG
_DSC3065_West Branch, Sacandaga Rive...JPG
_DSC8702_Reflections, Dix Mountain W...JPG
_DSC9222_Whortleberry Pond, Pharoah ...JPG
_DSC8097_Little Rock Pond, Pharoah L...JPG
_DSC2430_Buttermilk Falls, Raquette ...JPG
_DSC1851_Siamese Pond, Siamese Ponds...JPG
_DSC2432_Raquette River In Flood, Ad...JPG
_DSC2909_Clouds Over Whitney Lake, A...JPG
_DSC8785_Cedar River, West Canada La...JPG
_DSC0440_Rock Pond, Pharoah Lake Wil...JPG
_DSC0516_Cedar Lake, Adirondack Fore...JPG
_DSC8820_Lake Colden, High Peaks Wil...JPG
_DSC7724_Rock Pond, in spring, Pharo...JPG
_DSC0524_ View Of Lake George From T...JPG
_DSC8402_Flume at the North Fork, Bo...JPG
_dsc0392_Alder Creek, Pharoah Lakes ...JPG
_DSC0336_East Branch Of The Sacandag...JPG
_dsc0203_Sunrise At Springhill Pond,...JPG
_dsc0853_Boulder And Northern White ...JPG
_DSC9896_Five Mile Mountain View, La...JPG
_DSC0560_Cedar Lake, West Canada Lak...JPG
_DSC3071_West Branch, Sacandaga Rive...JPG
_DSC2662_ East Branch Of The Sacanda...JPG
_DSC3067_West Branch, Sacandaga Rive...JPG
_DSC1396_Cedar Lakes Reflections, Ad...JPG
_DSC0687_Waterfalls On Rock Pond Out...JPG
_dsc0490_Ausable River, Adirondack F...JPG
_DSC8727_Sunrise, Dix Mt Wilderness ...JPG
_DSC0432_Rock Pond, Pharoah Lake Wil...JPG
_DSC1284_Rock Pond, Pharoah Lake Wil...JPG
_DSC1271_Second Pond Brook, Siamese ...JPG
_DSC9196_Rock Pond, Pharoah Lake Wil...jpg
Bob Grabowski Photography
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